Distance learning (DL) is a flexible form of education that provides students with the choice of place, pace and time to study individually and independently.
Distance learning involves using a wide range of educational technologies: printed teaching materials, audio, video, multimedia, telecourses, video conferencing, online courses, Web pages, computer-mediated learning technologies, interactive methodologies for teaching-learning-assessment, integrated learning quality assurance, etc., developed in response to the information society we live in and in line with the current trends of modernization and globalization of education.
With its flexibility and modernity, escaping any constraints of time, space and pace of study, DL is a special attraction for mature students and working-age popu-lation, being considered a key element in the establishment of more interesting structures of education and teaching, more open and flexible, tailored to the specific professional, social, educational needs reflected by the labour market.
Attending the distance learning courses entitles graduates to continue their studies with any postgraduate programmes they may choose.
Studies in agronomic education end with a bachelor's examination, the graduates acquiring the title of "engineer".
Domain | Specialization | Title | Duration |
Agronomy | Agriculture | engineer | 4 years |
Engineering and management in agriculture and rural development | Engineering and management in agribusiness | engineer | 4 years |
Director of DL Department
PhD, Prof. Elena LEONTE
Telephone: +40 232 407.420
Fax: +40 232 260 650
E-mail: egindu@uaiasi.ro
Secretary of DL Departament
Telephone: 0232 407.499
Email: id-agro@uaiasi.ro.