Agricultural Research Centre Iasi
Virtual tour of the faculty (laboratories, experimental fields, amphitheaters)


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Agricultural Research Centre Iasi

Director: PhD, Assoc. Prof. Denis ŢOPA
Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu nr. 9, Iaşi, 700490
Telephone/Fax: 0232 407.445
E-mail: topadennis@uaiasi.ro

The profile of the centre is focused on agriculture, with the following three directions: - agricultural species technology; - plant physiology, protection, genetics and amelioration; - economic research in agriculture.

Main direction of research

The scientific research is mainly interdisciplinary and has both a fundamental character and implications regarding applicability, inovation and technological transfer, in accordance with the present and future requests of agriculture with special view to the Moldavian Plateau but also to the North-Western mountainous of Moldavia and Iezer Massif of Făgăraş Mountains.

Strategic directions and basic objectives of short and long-term scientific research:
- fundamental investigations of genetics and vegetal physiology;
- soil evaluation and environmental quality in hydro-amelioration works;
- improvement of agricultural technologies at the main cultivated species;
- economic and ecological implications for a better turning to account of agricultural fields of the hilly zone;
- efficiency increast and quality improvement of degraded permanant meadows;
- creation of chains/lines, varieties and hybrids of high quality and productivity, resistent to diseases, pest and natural unfavourable conditions;
- pest and diseases integrated control;
- complex turning into good account of natural empolluted substances of the aromatic, medicinal and tinctorial flora;
- agroalimentary and agricultural products marketing;
- optimization of agricultural production structure in agricultural systems.

Management Team

The activity of The Agricultural Research Centre is coordinated by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Agriculture with the following members:
- PhD, Assoc. Prof. Denis ŢOPA, decan
- PhD, Prof. Stejărel BREZULEANU, prodecan
- PhD, Assoc. Prof. Florin-Daniel LIPŞA, prodecan
- PhD, Prof. Daniel BUCUR, director de departament
- PhD, Prof. Culiţă SÎRBU, director de departament
- PhD, Prof. Carmen COSTULEANU, director de departament
- PhD, Assoc. Prof. Petru-Marian CÂRLESCU, director de departament

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