Short history

Faculty of Animal Sciences from Iasi was founded in 1951, on the basis of Decision of the Council of Ministers, from that period (H.C.M. nr. 1056), within Agronomical Institute, after it in 1948 had emerged in Bucuresti and Arad other two faculties.
    Establishment of animal science higher education at Iasi was justified, because at Faculty of Agriculture was created a real animal science school thanks to the great Professor Agricola Cardas. Thus, were presented lectures:
    - in the 2nd year: "General animal husbandry"; 
    - in the 3rd and 4th years: "Rearing of cattle and equines", "Rearing of sheep and swine";
    - in the 5th year: "Rearing of poultry and household rabbits", "Apiculture and sericulture" and "Pisciculture".
    During 3rd and 4th year were also presented lectures regarding "Agricultural industries", within which were presented concepts regarding milk and meat processing technologies.
    Through the care of Professor Agricola Cardas were created four animal husbandry laboratories with necessary facilities, didactic farms with a strong or exclusively animal husbandry character. In 1955, Agronomical Institute from Iasi issue the first diplomas for animal husbandry engineers, Dean of Faculty of Animal Sciences being PhD. Prof. Gh. Drugociu.

    In 1957, Faculty of Animal Sciences unites with Faculty of Agriculture forming Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, with three specializations: Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Science. Starting with 1955, for Animal Science specialization the period of study increased to five years and half.
    In 1962, Animal Science specializations from Faculties of Agriculture and Animal Science are disbanded.
    Students from 4th and 5th year of study – Animal Science specialization – finish their studies as Engineers in Animal Husbandry while the ones from 3rd year were transferred to Faculty of Veterinary Medicine from Bucuresti, where after studies of 1 year and a half became Veterinarians, and the students from 1st and 2nd were integrated into the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine from Iasi, which was created meanwhile. Must be mentioning, the fact that animal husbandry training continued to be realised with well-known professors from Iasi school of animal husbandry.

    Increasing of the animals’ flock and specialization of husbandry units leads to reopening, in 1968, of Faculty of Animal Sciences, with a study period of 5 years.
    In 1975, Faculties of Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Iasi, Cluj-Napoca and Timisoara join together becoming specializations in the frame of the new Faculties of Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, while at Bucuresti the faculties continue to be separated.

    In 1986, all the faculties and specializations in Agricultural Institute from Iasi are integrated into an only faculty – Faculty of Agronomy, with 4 specializations: Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine.
    The period of studies at Animal Science specialization is cut to 4 years, graduates still receiving the title of animal husbandry engineers.
    Starting with 1990, Faculties of Animal Sciences from the above mentioned cities return to normality, freestanding, with a study period of 5 years.
    Starting with academic year 1991-1992 the graduates of Faculty of Animal Sciences receive the title of diplomat-engineer with specialization in Animal Science.

    In 2001 arrangements were made for the establishment of Pisciculture specialization, initiative approved by C.N.E.A.A., taking action and meaning creation of Animal Science Research Centre Iasi.
    Starting with 2009, in according with Bologna norms, study period, on university levels, became 4+2+3 (4 years Bachelor degree, 2 years Master degree, 3 years Doctoral studies with frequency).
    Starting with academic year 2009/2010, in accordance with the Strategic plans and the development/reorganization tendency of UASVM Iasi and tend account of post-accession transformations which appeared in Romania, at Faculty of Animal Sciences are developed two new specializations, Control and expertise of alimentary products and Engineering and management in catering and agritourism, with its own students and a study period of 4 years.
    In 60 years of its existence, Faculty of Animal Sciences from Iasi provided a number of over 3,500 specialists, among which some occupied and/or occupy positions of ministers, general and state secretaries, parliamentarians, renowned farm and holding managers, professors, managers of research institutes and stations, researchers, farmers etc.