Dates and deadlines

The admission contest will be organized in the month of July 2024. If there will be any number of places left vacant, there will be a second admission session organized in the month of September 2024.

The admission contest entails the following steps:

  1. 29 April – 8 July 2024
    Checking the eligibility of the candidates based on the electronic file sent to the admission committee at vet.admission@iuls.ro (former vet-admission@uaiasi.ro).
  2. 8 – 18 July 2024
    Participating in an online interview with the admission committee with the "admitted" or "rejected" results for undergraduate (BA) studies
  3. 20 July 2024
    Publication of the admission results
  4. 25 July 2024
    Deadline for the candidates’ enrolment

Recognition of studies by the Romanian Ministry of Education


In order to have their diplomas recognized by the CNRED (National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas), EU candidates will send their file containing the documents necessary for the recognition of their studies at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iaşi, until the 8 July 2024, so that it could be forwarded to CNRED.


In order to have their diplomas recognized by the DGRIAE (General Department for International Relations and European Affairs), non-EU candidates will send their file containing the documents necessary for the recognition of their studies at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iaşi, until the 8 July 2024, so that it could be forwarded to DGRIAE

THIS is the reason for which the documents of study* are requested in 2 sets of copies.

These formalities are important, so please check if you have the necessary amount of copies in your application file.

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Find out how your life as a student at IULS will look like.

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Harta campusului

Campus facilities

IULS has a total surface of 13,798 square meters, out of which 7,117 square meters re- present the surface used in the academic, research and training activity such as amphitheaters, several seminar rooms, labora- tories, lecture rooms.

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Campus maps

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