



Research team

Project Summary


Work plan






Limba/ Language



Project Name:




Contract number:


Project category:


Financing organization:

State Budget - Executive Unit for University Scientific Research Funding (UEFISCSU)


990.000 lei

Grant period:

36 months (2007-2010)

Financing organization:

Executive Unit for University Scientific Research Funding (UEFISCSU)


“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi

Project coordinator:

Prof. univ. PhD. Gerard JITĂREANU





Research team



Scientific title

Area of attribution


Jitareanu Gerard

Prof. Univ PhD.

Soil Management, Soil Physics, The Soil Conservation Engineering, The Management of Soil and Water Resources, Weed Control, Experimental Design, Pedotechnics, Agricultural Techniques

Raus Lucian

Lecturer PhD.

Soil Management, Soil Physics, The Soil Conservation Engineering, The Management of Soil and Water Resources, Weed Control, Experimental Design, Pedotechnics, Agricultural Techniques


Marius Stefan

Lecturer PhD.

Soil microbiology, Microbial physiology, Microbial ecology, Microbial biotechnologies


Topa Denis Constantin

PhD. student

Soil Management, Soil Physics, Weed Control, Experimental Design, Pedotechnics, Agricultural Techniques


Cara Mihai Sorin

PhD. student

Soil Management, Soil Physics, The Soil Conservation Engineering, The Management of Soil and Water Resources


Balan Adriana

PhD. student

Soil Management, Soil Physics, The Soil Conservation Engineering, The Management of Soil and Water Resources






Project Summary


Actual preocupations for the adaptation of sustinabile agricultural systems is justfied by the extension in worsing proportions of the degradation and deterioration of the soil resources. The maintainance or introduction of new technological systems must be in concordance with durable progress principles,to ensure the possibility of progress and development.taking as a start this premises through this project we try to put in evidence the efficiency of 3 technological systems:conventional, no-till and minimum tillage in diferents rotation on diferent fertilisation levels. In this way will be followed the evolution of principal physical chimical and biological properties of the soil wich define the state of quality and productivity of the agroecosystems and ecological and economical efiency aspects. We will have in view the modifications of physical properties of the soil like: structure, porosity, bulk density, penetrations resistance, compactaitions degree, hydric regime, aerations, temperature regim etc. Will be cuantified the termical regime and soils biology as effect of the unconventional system used. Will be identified the effect of the crop on the organical carbon. Will be established the influence of the new systems to reduce the input, their role in increasing the profit in the idea to offer viable alternatives to the producers wich main interest is the economical one.





The establishment of sustainable technologies by embracing conservative tillage systems will be realized as a result of interdisciplinary collaboration regarding the theme of this project. The investigations will be focused on two main objectives. Inside of every major objective will be a certain number of specific objectives.

I. The determination of the influence of unconventional tillage systems on sustainability and biodiversity of agricultural system.

The analyses of fertility and soil productivity evolution under the influence of climatically conditions and different technological variants will be realized in the experimental center of the host institution. There will be followed up: different soil tillage, crops rotation, fertilization systems, etc. In this experimental device and also in the other that will be initiated by our project, will be realized the further objectives:

1.1 Elaboration of technically requirements, agrotechnics and exploitations technologies for tillage machineries used for the new systems.

1.2 Management of soil and water resource as a premise for using different conservative tillage systems.

1.3 The harmonious interplay of technological factors with climatically and anthropical factors from experimentation area, in direct relation with the agroecosystems affected by drought, a specific phenomena in this area of Moldavia in the last years.

1.4 Quantification of hydro, physical, biological, chemical properties evolution of soils in the condition of the new technologies.

1.5 The establishment of evolution and the role of organic carbon in soil in correlation with hydric, thermic and biological regime of soil.

1.6 There will be established eventually influences of the new technologies on reducing the inputs. There will be mentioned the mail role of these on optimization of the proportion between energetically consumption and financial advantage. The idea is to offer viable alternatives to farmers whose main and immediate interest is the economical one.

1.7 Profoundly knowledge of plant request for the unconventional systems on biomass-roots-soil interface, adjusted at mechanical properties of soil.

II. Pursuing the evolution of soil fertility expressed through the main characteristics of this, in divers locations form North-East Region, where has bean introduced the unconventional tillage systems in practical way.

The proposed objective subscribe to sustainable agricultural system, very contemporaneousness, responding to the local requirements to create a scientific data base necessary to answer to the questions regarding the management of this technology. More and more segments of North-East Region land are used under unconventional tillage system. A big contribution at this phenomena it has the importation of technologies and machineries, but unfortunately not always there are efficient.

Starting from the considerations counted above, inside of this major objective we propose to follow up this aspects:

2.1. Identification in the field of unconventional tillage variants and centralization of the surfaces worked under these systems.

2.2. Knowing the influence of environmental factors and technologies on sustainable productivity of soil, which can provide a fertility control and an evaluation of the economical impact on long time.

2.3. Elaboration along with farmers of some technologies for amelioration crops which can allow the rational use of local agro ecological resources (clime, soil, water, etc) correlated with reduce energy consumption, landscape protection and sustainable development of agriculture.

2.4. Examination and analyses of physical, chemical, biological properties of soil for the evaluation of the influence of technological and climatic factors on productivity and soil fertility in the established places, on different pedagogical conditions.

2.5. Analysis of the evolution of main agro-chemical soil indices in the last years and simulation of the evolution of humus and mineral element stock from soil, according to erosion rate and growing systems used in the next years.

2.6. The re-establishment of technical information transfer role on rising the level of knowledge of the agricultural producers.

2.7. Making a favorableness study on soil and climatic conditions, connected to the best growing systems and soil improvement methods allowable for the studied area, in concordance to the last agro-ecological zoning system proposed by FAO in the last years.


The importance and estimative impact

The North Eastern region has 15.45% (2 131 421 ha) of the farming area of Romania (14 836 585 ha) and includes very great areas with soils affected by erosion (over 60%), acidification, compaction, slides and other degradation forms (Project of Regional Development North East 2007-2013; Statistical Yearbook of Romania (2003).

The achievement of a functional connection between environment factors and production systems will be made by promoting some technologies and products, with optimized technological consumptions at the level of EU, which improve the living conditions and protect the environment. At the same time, the project will realize and propose methods and innovative technical solutions to prevent and protect the soils from Moldavian Plain affected by erosion, acidification and compactation. The degradation of physical, chemical and biological properties, biodiversity reduction and natural resource decreasing impose the rehabilitation and protection of environment components by radically human activities. Last but not at least, the Project wants to evaluate the agro ecological resources erosion factors from Moldavian Plain, having as target the promoting of sustainable agriculture.




Work plan



Scientific objectives / Associated activities

Degree of achievement



Studies and analyses regarding the previously research on unconventional tillage systems



Assessment of soil resources quality for different utilizations and the condition of field erosion degradation, influence factors and control methods, In N-E Region



Studies of natural conditions and evaluations concordantly with unconventional tillage systems



Carrying out the experiment in field



Partially results concerning the influence of unconventional tillage systems on plants development and evolution of soil quality




Carrying out the experiment in field



Partially results concerning the influence of unconventional tillage systems on plants development and evolution of soil quality



Yields dynamics



Studies and analyses regarding the influences of technological factors over soil fertility



The fluent and continuous development of annual activities of the project



6. Pursuing the registered progress within the project




Carrying out the experiment in field



Results regarding the influence of unconventional tillage systems over plants growing and soil properties



Yields dynamics



Studies and analyses regarding the influences of technological factors over soil fertility



The fluent and continuous development of annual activities of the project



Pursuing the registered progress within the project




Carrying out the experiment in field



Studies and analyses regarding the influences of technological factors over soil fertility



Grounding solutions for projecting of unconventional tillage systems in relationship with soil and climatically conditions from interest areas.



Pursuing the registered progress within the project













Annual Self Report

Raport autoevaluare 2007_Faza_I.pdf

Raport autoevaluare 2008_Faza_II.pdf

Raport autoevaluare 2009_Faza_III.pdf


Research Report

Raport cercetare 2007_Faza_I.pdf

Raport cercetare 2008_Faza_II.pdf

Raport cercetare 2009_Faza_III.pdf









Lucian Răus, Gerard Jităreanu, Costică Ailincăi, 2008 - The influence of different tillage systems on the physical properties of soil and yield of main crops from the Moldavian Plain. Conf. int. AgEng 2008, 23-25 June 2008, Hersonissos, Crete – Gree.


Denis Ţopa, Gerard Jităreanu, Cara Mihai, 2008 - The physical changes of a chambic chernozeom soil from the North-East of Romania under different tillage practices. Conf. int. AgEng 2008, 23-25 June 2008, Hersonissos, Crete – Gree.


L. Răus, C. Ailincăi, G. Jităreanu - The effect of different soil tillage systems. Lucrari stiintifice, seria Agronomie, Iasi, vol. 51, ISSN 1454-7414.


D. Ţopa, L. Răus, M. Cara, G. Jităreanu – The modification of physical properties of a cambic chernozem under conventional and conservative tillage. Lucrari stiintifice, seria Agronomie, Iasi, vol. 51, ISSN 1454-7414.


Jitareanu Gerard, Ailincai Costica, Ailincai Despina, Lucian Raus, 2009 – Impact of different tillage systems and organo-mineral fertilization on soil physical and chemical characteristics in the Moldavian Plain. Cercetari Agronomice in Moldova, Vol. XLII, No. 1 (137).


M.S. Cara, G. Jităreanu, Irina Coroi, D. Ţopa, 2009 – The influence of tillage systems on hydric stability of structural aggregates, in winter wheat crop during 2006-2007. Scientific papers, USAMV Bucharest, Series A. Vol LII, ISSN 1222-5339.


D. Ţopa, Ailincăi, G. Jităreanu, 2009 – The influence of reduced tillage systems on physical properties of a chambic chernozem from Moldavian Plateau. Scientific papers, USAMV Bucharest, Series A. Vol LII, Agronomy.


Ailincai C., Jitareanu G., Bucur D., Ailincai Despina, Raus L., Topa D., Cara M., 2009 – Effects of soil conservation works on the production and fertility of eroded soil from the Moldavian Plateau, Romania. 2009 – XXXIII CIOSTA – CIGR V Conference 2009, Reggio Calabria, Italy, Technology and management to ensure sustainable agriculture, agro-systems, forestry and safety, Editure Artemis, Volume 3, ISBN 978-88-7583-031-2.


Lucian Raus, Costică Ailincăi, Gerard Jitareanu, 2009 - The evolution of main soil physical characteristics as influenced by tillage systems and fertilizers. A XIX-A CONFERINŢĂ NAŢIONALĂ PENTRU ŞTIINŢA SOLULUI - Evaluarea şi utilizarea resurselor de sol, protecţia mediului, Iasi, 2009.


Denis ŢOPA, Gerard Jităreanu, Costică Ailincăi, Lucian Răus, 2009 - Effect of tillage intensity on soil aggregation on a cambic chernozem. A XIX-A CONFERINŢĂ NAŢIONALĂ PENTRU ŞTIINŢA SOLULUI - Evaluarea şi utilizarea resurselor de sol, protecţia mediului, Iasi, 2009.









2008 - Training in soil sample assay at Eijkelkamp – Holland

2008 - Training for documentation in Wageningen University – Holland

2008-2009 - Residential course in Soil Sciences Institute - Justus von Liebig – Giessen – Germany