The Scientific Articles USAMV Iași - Horticulture Series is the journal of the Faculty of Horticulture of the University of Life Sciences “Ion Ionescu de la Brad”, from Iași. The journal is published every six months (in June and December), and the papers are published in print, online and on CD, for each of them there is an ISSN, as follows:
ISSN - L = 1454 - 7376
Print = ISSN 1454 - 7376
Online = ISSN 2069 - 8275
CD-ROM = ISSN 2069 - 847X
Journal of Scientific Works - Horticulture Series has the CNCSIS code 422 and is indexed in the international databases CABI International, EBSCO, INDEX COPERNICUS and GOOGLE SCHOLAR.
The review of the works is carried out by scientific references, specialists in the horticultural field. Each work is reviewed by two references, and the recommendations are sent electronically to the corresponding author. After reviewing the material, according to the referents' recommendations, the corresponding author send the article back to the Editor, at e-mail julia@uaiasi.ro . The final decision regarding the publication belongs to the editorial board of the journal. Papers accepted for publication are written in English.
For the papers presented at the International Congress LIFE SCIENCES TODAY FOR TOMORROW https://www.usamviasicongres.ro/ , organized each year by the “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences, the publication fee is included in the congress participation fee, which is communicated in the period preceding its organization. In case of papers that were not presented at the Congress, the participation fee is 200 lei (40 euro) and is paid into the account (IBAN code): RO93TREZ406504601X000728, fiscal code: 4541840, with the specification "for the Journal of Scientific Works - Horticulture Series".