I. Nechifor

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I. Nechifor, C-tin Pascal, Al.M. Florea, A. Albaţă, A. Crâsmaru, M. Brânzei, Onciu Oana

   The purpose of the researches was to carry out a complex study in order to evaluate the current stage of improvement for the type of color and uniformity in the main color varieties formed within the Karakul of BotoČ™ani breed. The biological material subjected to the assessments was represented by the pure-bred Karakul de BotoČ™ani lambs belonging to all the varieties of color obtained over the course of three successive generations, originating from breeding seasons that took place in 2013, 2014 and 2015. The method applied in the assessment of the objectives was based on the technical norms specified in Section 1.4 and 1.5 of the MADR Order no. 22 / 20.01.2006, published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 146 of 15.02.2006 and specifying the aspects based on which the official production control of pelts is carried out.
   The data obtained as a result of the genetic progress evaluation obtained on each generation show that the proportion of lambs in which the desired type of color was found, that is to say, a black one, uniform and with nuances of blue, is increasing, thus confirming that among the generations of lambs appreciated in the three seasons the applied improvement process is efficient. However, if we compare these values with those obtained in season 2005, we find that in the 2013 generation, the proportion of lambs presenting a color close to the desired type was less than 1.17%. However, by judiciously matching the breeders, in 2014 and 2015, it shoes an increase of 0.27% and 0.55% of the lambs, which expressed a very good degree of the intensity of the color and the desired nuances.

Key words: pelts, Karakul sheep, breeding, characters