Carmen Olguţa Brezuleanu

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Carmen Olguţa Brezuleanu, Mădălina Maria Cantea- Brezuleanu

   The educational system must guarantee access for all young people to education and training, adapted to the economic realities. In this sense, transdisciplinary approach is centred on the realities of contemporary society, regarding the relevant issues of real life and how it is affected people's life. In particular, it tries to understand and to resolve the complex problems of the challenges. Educational project in the transdisciplinary approach it is a modern method of teaching-learning used in agronomic education. It stimulates creative students involved in the project through the development of critical thinking, helping them in: decision making, self organizing and self-assessment of individual resources, adopting positive attitudes in acquiring cognitive and trans-curricular skills.
   Educational project in transdisciplinary for agronomic education approach is focused on active learning, a method which creates observable behaviors such as: behaviors that indicate active participation, creative thinking, applied learning, involvement in building knovledge. Active learning became more interesting, stimulating, significant and students participate during whole activity, being stimulated cooperation and creativity. Aims of more disciplines agri- food, planned in the same week are reached during daily activities which includes fragments from those disciplines into a single generic and it is facilitate a good quality knowledge acquisition, which will be remembered for a long time.
   Real problems from daily life could be solved much easier by pupils and students, no matter the complexity degree, due to achievement of knowledge, abilities and competences which couldn’t be separated by one or another discipline.

Key words: transdisciplinarity, educational project, agri- food, creative thinking