Last name: |
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Birth date: |
5 March 1960 |
Faculty: |
Agriculture |
Departament: |
Pedotechnics |
Address: |
3, Mihail Sadoveanu Alee, Iasi, 700490, Romania |
Telephone: |
+40 232 407 560 |
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+40 232 260 650 |
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Scientific papers
- Selective list
- Cârlescu P., Arsenoaia V., Roşca R., Ţenu I., 2017 - CFD simulation of heat and mass transfer during apricots drying. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 85, pp. 479-486. ISSN: 0023-6438 doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2017.03.015 (IF = 2,711) -
- Diaconu Andreea, Ţenu I., Roşca R., Cârlescu P., 2016. Researches regarding the reduction of pesticide soil pollution in vineyards. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 108, p. 135-143., ISSN: 0957-5820 (IF=2,078)
- Roşca R., Cârlescu P., Ţenu I., 2014. A semi-empirical traction prediction model for an agricultural tire, based on the super ellipse shape of the contact surface. Soil&Tillage Research 141, p. 10-18, ISSN: 0167-1987, DOI: 10.1016/j.still.2014.03.007 (IF=2,367)
- R. Roşca, P. Cârlescu, E. Rakoşi, Gh. Manolache, 2009. ueling an D.I. agricultural Diesel engine with waste oil biodiesel: effects over injection, combustion and engine characteristics. Energy Conversion & Management, Elsevier, 50, pp.2158-2166, ISSN 0196-8904.
- R. Roşca, P. Cârlescu, Cazacu D., Avarvarei B., E. Rakosi, Gh. Manolache, 2009. Evaluation of the tire-ground shear area: combining the model and experimental data. 37th International Symposium Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering, Opatija Croatia, 10-13 feb. 2009, pp. 85-95, ISSN 1333-2651.
- R. Roşca, I. Tenu, P. Cârlescu, E. Rakosi, Gh. Manolache, 2008. Tire traction models-comparative analysis and validation. 36th International Symposium Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering, Opatija Croatia, 11-15 feb. 2008, pp. 93-104, ISSN 1333-2651.
- R. Roşca, E. Rakoşi, Gh. Manolache, 2007. Researches concerning some combustion characteristics of a biodiesel type fuel in a d.i. agricultural diesel engine. SAE Technical Paper Series, 2007- 01-0075. ISBN 0-7680-1319-4 (SAE Global Mobility Database).
- R. Roşca, E. Rakoşi, Gh. Manolache, M. Niculaua, 2005. Fuel and Injection Characteristics for a Biodiesel Type Fuel from Waste Cooking Oil. SAE Technical Paper Series, 2005- 01-3674. ISBN 0-7680-1319-4 (SAE Global Mobility Database).
- R. Roşca, E. Rakoşi, Gh. Manolache, 2004. Wheel Traction Prediction - A Comparison Between Models and Experimental Data. SAE Technical Paper Series, 2004-01-2707. ISBN 0-7680-1319-4 (SAE Global Mobility Database).
- R. Roşca, E. Rakoşi, I.-A. Comşa, R. Gaiginschi, 2001. Application of a Combustion Model to a Diesel Engine Fueled with Vegetable Oils. JSME International Journal, series B, vol. 44, 4, 634-640, ISSN 1340-8054.
- E. Rakosi, R. Roşca, M. Zugrăvel, 1999. Simulation of the Behavior of a Flow Control Device for the High Pressure Fuel Injection Pump of a Spark Ignition Engine. SAE Technical Paper Series, 1999-01-0562 (SAE Global Mobility Database).
- E. Rakosi, R. Roşca, R. Gaiginschi, 1999. Influence of Fuel Injection Timing Over the Performances of a Direct Injection Spark Ignition Engine. SAE Technical Paper Series, 1999-01-0174 (SAE Global Mobility Database).
Books and university text-books
Total: 12.
- Selective list
- R. Roşca, Ioan Ţenu, Petru Cârlescu, Virgil Vlahidis, 2017. Instalaţii frigorifice şi de climatizare în industria alimentară. (ed. a III-a). Edit. "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" Iasi, ISBN 978-974-147-249-2, 553 pag.
- R. Roşca, Petru Cârlescu, Ioan Ţenu, 2017. Food Chilling Methods and CFD analysis of a Refrigeration Cabinet as a Case Study, în Refrigeration (cap. 3, pp. 45-73), InTech, Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia, ISBN 978-953-51-5417-4 (
- R. Roşca, 2015. Elemente de mecanica fluidelor şi acţionări hidraulice. Edit. "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" Iaşi, ISBN 978-973-147-194-5, 163 pag.
- R. Roşca, Dan Cazacu, 2015. Construcţia tractoarelor (ed. a II-a). Edit. "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" Iaşi, ISBN 978-973-147-164-8, 362 pag.
- Gheorghe Manolache, Edward Rakoşi, R. Roşca, 2014. Construcţia şi proiectarea echipamentelor de propulsie pentru automobile. Edit. PIM, Iaşi, ISBN 9786061316663, 320 pag.
- E. Rakosi, R. Roşca, Gh. Manolache, 2006. Sisteme de propulsie pentru automobile. Edit. Politehnium Iasi, ISBN 973-621-156-8, ISBN 978-973-621-156-0, 266 pag.
- R. Roşca, Dascalescu D., Tenu I., Rakosi E, Manolache Gh., 2006. Autovehicule speciale si utilaje. Edit. Politehnium Iasi, ISBN 973-621-157-6, 978-973-621-157-7, 180 pag.
- Rakosi E., R. Roşca, Manolache Gh., 2005. Bazele alimentarii prin injectie de benzina a motoarelor de automobil. Edit. Politehnium Iasi, ISBN 973-621-126-6, 320 pag.
- R. Roşca, Rakosi E, Manolache Gh., Rosu V., 2005. Elemente de tehnologia autovehiculelor. Edit. Politehnium Iasi, ISBN 973-621-125-8, 210 pag.
- E. Rakosi, Gh. Manolache, R. Roşca, 2004. Ghid de proiectare a motoarelor de automobil. Edit. Politehnium Iasi, ISBN 973 621 085 5, 200 pag.
- R. Roşca, E. Rakosi, Gh. Manolache, V. Vâlcu, 2004. Autovehicule rutiere si tractoare - vol. II . Edit. Politehnium Iasi, ISBN 973-621-084-7, 350 pag.
- R. Roşca, E. Rakoşi, 2003. Sisteme neconvenţionale de propulsie şi transport. Edit. "Gh. Asachi" Iaşi, ISBN 973-621-054-5, 257 pag.
Grants and research contracts
Total: 29.
- Selective list
1.Cercetari privind optimizarea organelor de lucru pentru pregatirea patului germinativ în concordanţă cu cerinţele unei agriculturi durabile - proiect PN2 Parteneriate 52-107 (2008 - 2011); responsabil proiect pentru USAMV Iaşi (CO).
2.Posibilităţile şi limitele ecologizării transportului urban prin utilizarea combustibililor proveniţi din uleiuri vegetale - proiect CEEX X1CO1/3.10.2005 (2005 - 2008), coordonator Universitatea Tehnică Cluj; responsabil proiect pentru U.T. Iaşi (P4).
3.Formularea şi încercarea unui combustibil oxigenat de tip biodiesel pentru alimentarea motoarelor cu aprindere prin comprimare - grant CNCSIS, cod 551/2004 - 2006; director.
- Internal combustion engines, tractors and automobiles;
- Refrigeration systems;
- Machinery for agriculture and animmal husbandry.
Research fields
- Renewable fuels for internal combustion engines;
- Tyre-soil interaction;
- Precision agriculture.
Coordination of administrative or academic organisms
- Head of the Research, Inovation and Technological Transfer Dept (2012-2020)
- Coordinator for the E.U. Programs Bureau (2009-2012; 2020 - present).
Research and professional organizations
- European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng), since 2011
- SIMAR, since 2014