PhD, Lect. Elena PETREA
Last name: | PETREA | |
First name: | ELENA | |
Birth date: | 30th of June 1979 | |
Faculty: | Agriculture | |
Departament: | Agroeconomy | |
Address: | 3, Mihail Sadoveanu Alee, Iasi, 700490, Romania | |
Telephone (work): | +40 232 407.441 | |
Fax: | +40 232 260.650 | |
Fax: | |
Total: 23.
- List of scientific papers
Total: 8.
- List of university books and textbooks
Total: 3.
- List of grants and research contracts
- French for Specific Purposes;
- ICTE: Information and Communication Technologies in Education;
- Communication Theory;
- Translation Studies;
- Francophone Literatures;
- History of the Romanian literary language (19th century).
- French for Specific Purposes course designing;
- Development of ICTE: Information and Communication Technologies in Education;
- Romanian-French cultural contacts in the 19th century;
- Scientific communication.
- Centre de réussite universitaire (CRU), IULS
- Association roumaine des professeurs de français (2007);
- Association roumaine des départements universitaires de français (2009);
- Société de linguistique romane (2009).