Revista Lucrari stiintifice - Seria Agronomie
Schimba limba in Romana
Revista Lucrari stiintifice - SERIA AGRONOMIE

Note from The Editor

Since 1957, The Annals of the Agricultural Institute of Iasi have been published by the Agri-Forestry Publishing House, under the name "The yearbook of scientific papers". Starting with 1977 till present, the volume has been published with the title Scientific Papers. Agronomy Series. (ISSN 1454-7414)

Through the themes explored by the published papers, the journal has largely contributed to the improvement and diversification of research in the field of agriculture, technological transfer to units of agricultural production, at the same time playing a major part in developing sound scientific analysis and increasing the quality of teaching.

As a consequence of the content of the last years’ scientific papers, the journal has successfully ensured the promotion of research results in the field of rational use of agricultural land and soil conservation, practising durable agriculture, modernizing and optimizing crop technologies within agricultural research stations with a view to increasing the quality of life, environmental protection included.

The quality of the articles has continuously improved, especially after the co-optation in the editorial staff of well-known personalities within the agricultural research from our country and abroad.

The Journal of Scientific Papers B, Agronomy Series is indexed in the CAB Abstracts Database, by CAB International and National Agricultural Library (NAL) SUA, highlighting the value of the journal.

Wishing you the very best,
PhD, Prof. Costel SAMUIL


PhD, Prof. Florin Daniel LIPŞA
Faculty of Agriculture Iasi
Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu nr. 3
700490 - Iasi, Romania
Tel: 0040 232 407.510
Fax: 0040 232 219.175

PhD, Assoc. Prof. Iulian GABUR
Faculty of Agriculture Iasi
Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu nr. 3
700490 - Iasi, Romania
Tel: 0040 232 407.536
Fax: 0040 232 219.175

Last update: 15 July 2024