Gh. Gutt


Gh. Gutt, S. Paduret, Sonia Amariei, M. Chelaru

   The possibility of correlating parameters of primary and secondary texture of chopped beef type Hamburger, with composition for Arab countries, with its freshness was the goal of this study. Texture profile analysis (TPA) was made for six days and the samples were kept refrigerated between analyzes at 6oC. Sample sizes were: height of 30 mm and diameter of 35 mm. The texture profile analysis of fried Hamburger for 10 minutes at 300oC was conducted for comparison. For tests an electronic texturometer was used. Follow texture parameters were hardness, viscosity, gumozitatea, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, elasticity, chewability. The texture parameters such as: hardness, viscosity, gumminess, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, elasticity, chewability were analyzed. Pearson analysis of these texture parameters was used to establish their relevance. Analysis of the most representative texture parameter in Pearson hierarchy was made according to the sensitivity of the test method defined by the slope of the growth curve of force - displacement and the correlation coefficient R2. The final analysis showed that the texture parameter that highlights the best chopped meat freshness of beef Hamburger, with composition for Arab countries, is the hardness.

Key words: chopped meat, freshness, TPA


Gh. Gutt, S. Paduret, Sonia Amariei, M. Chelaru

   Studiul efectuat a avut ca scop analiza posibilitatii corelarii parametrilor primari si secundari de textura a carnii de vita tocate de tip Hamburger, avand compozitia pentru tarile arabe, cu prospetimea acesteia. In acest scop s-a efectuat analiza profilului de textura (TPA) timp de sase zile, probele fiind - tinute intre analize in conditii de refrigerare la temperatura de 6oC. Toate probele au avut inaltimea a fost de 30 mm si diametrul de 35 mm. S-a efectuat pentru comparatie si o analiza de profil de textura si pentru compozitia de Hamburgeri prajiti timp de 10 minute la temperatura de 300oC. Pentru incercari s-a folosit un texturometru electronic. Parametrii de textura urmariti au fost duritatea, vascozitatea, gumozitatea, adezivitatea, coezivitatea, elasticitatea, masticabilitatea. Pentru stabilirea relevantei acestor parametrii de textura s-a apelat la analiza Pearson, dupa care analiza parametrului de textura cel mai reprezentativ din ierarhia Pearson s-a facut in functie de sensibilitatea metodei de incercare definita de panta de crestere a curbei forta - deplasare precum si de valoarea coeficientului de corelare R2. Analiza finala a aratat ca parametrul de textura care evidentiaza cel mai bine prospetimea carnii tocate de vita pentru Hamburgeri, avand compozitia pentru tarile arabe, este duritatea.

Cuvinte cheie: carne tocata, prospetime, TPA