B.V. Avarvarei


B.V. Avarvarei, C.E. Nistor

Britain is not only beer, fish and chips or the fabulous English breakfast but also England means cheese and are over 700 assortments of it. The regions of England have their own specialty cheeses, made by locals, with milk from local animals, reared on local pastures. The addition of beer, whisky, herbs, honey and other locally-sourced goodies helps to define regional cheeses. The goal of the current paper is to present to the potential Romanian consumer some facts, data, characteristics and history of some famous British cheeses. These include the six varieties of Cheddar (mild, medium, mature, vintage, Farmhouse and West Country), regional variations (Caerphilly, Cheshire, Derby, Double Gloucester, Lancashire, Red Leicester, Stilton and Wensleydale) and speciality cheeses (such as Cornish Yarg, Shropshire Blue, Somerset). Therefore our advice is "British cheese - yes please"!

Key words: British cheese, characteristics, history


B.V. Avarvarei, C.E. Nistor

Marea Britanie nu înseamna numai bere, peste si cartofi prajiti sau fabulosul mic dejun englezesc ci înseamna si brânza (existând mai mult de 700 sortimente). Diferitele regiuni ale Marii Britanii au propriile lor specialitati de brânza, produsa din lapte local care a fost obtinut în conditii specifice fiecarei zone. Adaugarea de bere, whisky, ierburi aromate, miere si alte componente locale ajuta la definirea specificitatii brânzeturilor. Scopul prezentei lucrari este de a oferi potentialului consumator din Romania câteva date, caracteristici precum si un scurt istoric al celor mai faimoase brânzeturi englezesti. Sunt incluse cele sase sortimente de brânza Cheddar, unele sortimente locale (Caerphilly, Cheshire, Derby, Double Gloucester, Lancashire, Red Leicester, Stilton si Wensleydale) precum si unele specialitati (cum ar fi Cornish Yarg, Shropshire Blue, Somerset). Prin urmare sfatul nostru este "British cheese - yes please"!

Cuvinte cheie: brânzeturi englezesti, caracteristici, istoric