Roxana Paraschiv


Roxana Paraschiv, G. Mursa

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has its roots in the 1950's, when the western European economies, seriously damaged by the war, could not guarantee the food supplies. Initially, the CAP aimed at increasing agricultural productivity in order to solve the food supply problems. Since then, the CAP faced continuous change and adjustment process. This paper aims at analysing the recent changes of the CAP, their impact on the member states as well as the future challenges of the CAP in the enlarged European Union. The approached subject needed an adequate methodology, which included both statistical analysis methods and sociologic analysis methods. We had a large survey of economic literature on the subject, on the European statistics and debates and we have also analysed the current economic and agricultural situation of the new member countries and the challenges they are facing after their accession in the EU. We noticed that, despite the reform of the CAP in the perspective of enlargement and despite the structural funds for the new member states, these countries face huge problems, especially where the agricultural sector has an important share. Besides that, the CAP faces other challenges too, such as the environment protection, food safety problems or the financial support for agricultural policy. All these problems have been analyzed in the present paper as well as some solution we propose for overwhelming them.

Key words: Common Agricultural Policy, enlargement


Roxana Paraschiv, G. Mursa

Politica agricola comuna (PAC) îsi are radacinile în anii 1950, când tarile Europei Occidentale, grav afectate de razboi, nu îsi puteau asigura necesarul de hrana. Initial, PAC a urmarit cresterea productivitatii agricole pentru a rezolva problema deficitului de alimente, iar ulterior a cunoscut un proces continuu de modificare si ajustare. Lucrarea de fata îsi propune sa analizeze reformele recente ale PAC, impactul acestora asupra statelor membre, ca si provocarile viitoare pe care PAC le va întâmpina în urma extinderii Uniunii Europene. Subiectul abordat a necesitat o metodologie adecvata, care include atât metode de analiza statistica, dar si analiza sociologica. Am trecut în revista literatura economica pe acest subiect, statisticile si dezbaterile europene si am analizat, de asemenea, situatia curenta a economiei si agriculturii noilor state membre, precum si provocarile cu care acestea se confrunta dupa aderarea la UE. Am observat ca, în ciuda reformei PAC în vederea extinderii UE si în ciuda fondurilor structurale acordate noilor state membre, aceste tari se confrunta în continuare cu dificultati majore, în special acolo unde sectorul agricol are o pondere importanta. Pe lânga aceasta, PAC se confrunta si cu alte provocari, cum ar fi protectia mediului, securitatea alimentara sau sustinerea financiara. Toate aceste probleme au fost analizate în lucrarea de fata, alaturi de o serie de masuri propuse pentru depasirea lor.

Cuvinte cheie: politica agricola comuna, extindere