Elena Pogurschi

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Elena Pogurschi, Monica Marin, Corina Zugravu, Carmen Georgeta Nicolae

   The volcanic zeolites tuffs represents a ecoalternative resource of the future so it is important to know and disseminate information regarding their efficient use in the bio economy. In Romania, there are 4 major areas where there are zeolites, respectively, Transylvania basin, Maramures basin, Prahova Valley and Persani area. Only Rupea mine has a production capacity of 5000 tone monthly, with this capacity would reach zeolites for 100 years. Generally, the Romanian volcanic tuffs have a high content of clinoptilolite, which give them a high value. Although it Romania is plenty of high quality zeolite tuffs, they are not fully exploited because of the inexistence of a policy for promoting their capitalization. In this paper we intend to do a review of the effects of using zeolites in various in various fields of animal husbandry, in order to highlight the positive impact on the bio economy. They were analyzed a series of research conducted in Romania, upon various species of animals in terms of production and animals health, have been performed comparisons with the data from the international literature and were indicate those areas where Romanian future research should focus.

Key words: volcanic zeolites tuffs, bioeconomy results, Romania