C. Pascal

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C. Pascal, C.V. Gaşpar

    Forming the pedigree dogs of Bucovina, Romanian Shepherd (C.R.B.) is the result of a combination between the two basic ways in the formation of animal breeds, i.e. the influence of natural factors and human direct intervention in the selection of individuals which presented features, skills and a desirable exterior. The artisans of this breed have been along time Romanian shepherds who always considered a prerequisite to raise cattle dogs, these being the permanent allies against pests of all kinds. According to flocks of sheep, with high risk potential area (the presence of wild animals and other enemies of them) and other reasons, the population of Sheepdogs has been declining in many areas, however, remained constant in mountain areas, where the causes of forming this breed currently remain. Data obtained from females that have calved indicates a good fertility of the canine population (6 to 8 pups at a birth), and the weight of the offspring from birth was 0.285 ± 0.018 kg for males and 0.233 ± 0.054 kg for females. So both sexes have a very similar body weight, males having a higher weight with only 52 grams. Living body weight determined by weighing the biological material indicates that this population has a good intensity of growth. If the average weight of males at 24 months is 66.058 ± 0.114 kg, with over 25% of the average weight of females of the same age, and at older ages that 4 years males exceed 70 kg, and females have a higher average body weight of 50 kg. The fact that the differences in weight are kept relatively constant both between the sexes and between different age groups allows us to conclude that this character is well consolidated and accurately expressed even in various conditions of maintenance, nutrition, work, effort, etc.

Key words: Shepherd dog, Romanian dog, Bucovina, sheep, shepherded