Gh. HrincĂ


Gh. Hrincă

The paper makes an immunogenetic description at the determinant loci of blood groups in goats of Carpathian breed. The immunoserological typification of animals was performed with a battery of 12 specific monovalent reagents: 10 isoimmune reagents (anti-Aa, anti-Bb, anti-Bc, anti-Bd, anti-Be, anti-Bf, anti-Bg, anti-Ca, anti-Cb and anti-Ma) and two heteroimmune reagents: anti-R and anti-O. By the haemolytic test method 12 erythrocyte factors were detected belonging to five blood group systems: Aa (system A), Bb, Bc, Bd, Bf, Bg, Bi (system B), Ca, Cb (system C), Ma (system M), R and O (system R-O). The richness and heterogeneity of antigenic structures determine a very emphasized polymorphism of blood groups in the Carpathian breed. The incidences of blood factors present a very large variability ranging between 8.85% (Cb) and 95.20% (Ma). The most polymorphic immunogenetic system is the system B, comprising six blood group factors; the factor Bf is commonest and the other factors have a middle representation. The systems C and R-O have a more limited polymorphism, each possessing two factors. The factor Ca has a better representation than the factor Cb, and the factor O records a relatively higher frequency than the factor R. Each of the systems A and M possesses only one factor. On the whole, the genetic analysis at the determinant loci of blood group factors in the Carpathians breed shows: the manifest phenotypes (42.89%) are less spread than the "silent" ones (57.11); the recessive genes are more widespread (75.57%) than their dominant alleles (24.43%); genotypically, there comes out very low frequencies of dominant homozygotes (5.97%), considerable distributions of heterozygotes (36.92%) and high incidences of recessive homozygotes (57.11%).

Key words: blood groups, immunogenetics, goat