Roxana Gavril


Roxana Gavril, M.G. Usturoi

The research focused on studying the way in which the level of ambiental factors assured during egg storage influence their quality. Biologic material was represented by 180 hen eggs, divided in tow batches and stored for 35 days in different conditions of microclimate (batch L1 temperature 25±1ºC and relative noisture 45%; batch L2 temperature = 4±1ºC and relative noisture = 84%). Evaluation of eggs quality was realised through some physical indexes, determinated at each 7 days of storage, in according with the clasical techinques of appreciations. Even, at the begining of storage, the eggs from the 2 beatches presented close qualitative indexes, on storage time passing. We found a decrese of the values, especially at the eggs storaged in the same conditions with the ouns from same sellers. From exemple, at the abave mentioned batch (L1), the decrese of quality indexes was more rapid, the recorded levels being higher with 5.54% for eggs`weight losses repectively lower with 51.35% for albumen index, with 32.0% for yolk index and with 52.53% for Haugh index, in comparasion with the values recorded at the eggs stored in according with the standards (L2). The obtained data show the fact that without assurement of some optim condition during eggs` storage affect their quality even at a storage on a verry shourt period of time.

Key words: eggs, consume, storage, microclimate, quality