Cornelia Elena Tureac


Cornelia Elena Tureac, B. Andronic, Anca Gabriela Turtureanu, A.C. Filip, Gabriela Pădure

In the article it was approached the analysis of the tourists opinion from the Moeciu area based on using the questionnaire. The tourism domain confronts with issues, of which commensuration can be made only with the help of selective research or which can be completed with the results of such research. The selective research can study the aspects of tourism and test the quality of the touristic products, thus creating the framework necessary to estimate the specific trends of the analyzed touristic phenomena.
The research method is based on using the questionnaire, and the essence of research lies in the estimation of the parameters of the total collectivity using the principles of probability theory, in the condition of existing the possibility of collecting and processing the statistical information. The marketing research concerns the behavior, motivations and opinions of the rural touristic demand from the Moeciu area. The questionnaire includes six items, consisting of 30 questions and variables formulated to achieve the objectives set out.
In conclusion, the need of coordination of the efforts both regionally and nationally, to achieve some big projects within the rural tourism domain it is correlated with the commensuration process of the activities involved in practicing this type of tourism. The system of indicators used in the analysis of the rural tourism activity is presented as a subsystem of the system of indicators applied to tourism in general. The Bran Moeciu area, it is considered the "core" of the Romanian rural tourism it is taken as applying point of the instruments of statistical nature from the domain of rural tourism, highlighting thus the possibility of practical use of these.

Key words: analysis, rural tourism, research, tourists, opinion