V. Maciuc


V. Maciuc, Şt. Creangă, M. Schutz, M. Russel, V. Ujică

The research was carried out on 60 Monbeliard cows imported near Birlad area, - East part of Romania. Because the race is bred for the first time in this area and for it productive value we desire to study the condition of exploitation, animals' ascendancy, productive performances and genetic determinism for some characters. The herd is hosted in a freestall barn. Inside the barn is split in 3 areas: lying area, feeding area and movement area. The lying area have individual stall. Feeding takes place by a system with individual feeding area. Milking takes place in a herringbone milking parlour. Analyzing cows ascendancy, result good productive performance for mothers with an average of 8494.2 kg milk, 3.85% fat, 330.02 kg pure fat and 280.78 kg pure protein. Paternal grandmothers had more good performance then mothers (11256.10 kg milk, 3.86 % fat, 433.35 kg pure fat respectively). The cows' performance in the first lactation, per 305 days, was a medium of 5727 kg milk with 3.84% fat and 3.31% protein. Per total lactation, the average of productive performance was 6984.87 kg for milk, with limits between 4083 and 9153 kg. The fat and protein content in milk are strong genetically determinate (h2=0.57; h2=0.63). The quantitative milk production, the fat quantity and protein quantity have low to intermediate genetically determinism (h2=0.27 - 0.30).

Key words: race, Montbeliard, Romania, ascendancy, production