A. Munteanu


A. Munteanu

In the context of the new realities of the global economy, where trade is more and more investment, the goal is to maximize the transnational market economy, improving existing business processes and implementing new ones are crucial. In this highly competitive environment, information technology is a key skill trainer. The ideal is an integrated approach to business using information technology to monitor and streamline operations carried out by producer-distributor-consumer route. Information technology is a strategic resource which helps normalize the competitive environment. International experience shows the need for recourse to a common information technology infrastructure, with applications and quality support to enable monitoring, reporting and optimizing each element of the production cycle, distribution, wholesale and retail providing vital links between However, the benefit of business. This can make informed decisions and by standardizing procedures that can enhance efficiency and improve productivity, ensuring the accession of all employees in the same business processes and operations with data consistent, accurate and timely. Information has a crucial role in the leadership, command control and adjustment of any system in evolution. Mobile technology is enjoying much success lately. Can access the Internet using mobile devices has become possible through computers, portable small (laptops), followed by their relatives increasingly compact palmtop family. But, in essence, these devices are computers. Their portability and opportunities have increased, but the wish to shift to IT while extending the idea of portability. WAP technology allows various types of services: assistance to clients, notification messages, e-mail, telephone service with value-added services, search and location, news and other information services, e-commerce transactions and banking services, access to intranet applications Internet holdings of Agro. System of Wap is designed to be used in an area of Agro-size - large or cooptation all associations nationwide.

Key words: Information technology, Internet, e-commerce, agrotourism